Les Vikings – 1974


🎵🌴🎤🎹🎶 The iconic group Les Vikings de la Guadeloupe was formed in 1966 by Fred Aucagos, Guy Jacquet and Ipomen Léauva. Curiously, after a debut album released in 1968, it would be six years before the group’s second opus arrived, soberly titled Les Vikings (like the first, incidentally). In the meantime, the Vikings had « made Paris ». Huge concerts, national tours, but the success was running out of steam. So it was back to Guadeloupe. On this second album, in addition to founder Guy Jacquet, we find Pierre-Edouard Décimus, who has not yet left to found Kassav’, the inescapable Camille Soprann, Philippe Dambury’s keyboards and all the drums held by Philippe Menade, Robert Bibian and Georges Custos. At the front of the stage, Joël Dardet sings, along with our long-time friend Max ‘Maxo’ Séverin. Between the cadence-lypso rhythm, Latin groove and funk accents, everything is there to make this album a new success for the Vikings.

I’d like to spare a thought for singer Maurice Alcindor, who has just passed away, and for the whole of Guadeloupe, which was catastrophically flooded by torrential rain last night. Stay safe! ☔ 😢🙏

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