Kaladjazz – Guédon, Laviso, St-Prix, 2011

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The musical life of saxophonist Jean-Rémy Guédon (yes, there’s a link) has been teeming with exciting projects, with jazz at the heart of astonishing encounters since the 1980s. Among them, at the turn of the century, Terres Arc-En-Ciel plunged deep into Africa. Following that project, Jean-Rémy naturally wanted to continue with an encounter with the West Indies. In 2011, he made this a reality with a tour that took him to the Caribbean, including two extended stops, one in Martinique and the other in Guadeloupe. Out of these encounters came the Kaladjazz project, with Dédé St-Prix and Christian Laviso. The album was then recorded in Paris, with contributions from Thierry Jasmin-Banaré on bass, and Arnaud Dolmen on drums. Kaladjazz <kaladjazz< strong= » »>is a surprising and seductive marriage between gwoka and free jazz, where the three leaders free themselves from form to leave room for substance, groove, tradition and the free expression of jazz without constraints. To be rediscovered without moderation!</kaladjazz<>

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