From West Cameroon comes Sam Fan Thomas. The Bafoussam native recorded his first album Funky New Bell in Benin, where he was based before returning to Cameroon. But it was undoubtedly the album Makassi released in 1984 and recorded at Studio Johanna that earned him international fame. African Typic Collection is certainly the best-known track. Sam Fan Thomas mixes funk and makossa to create his own trademark, the makassi. The rhythm was to be used in subsequent albums, such as Si Tcha in 1986, also one of his biggest hits. Makassi has left a lasting impression and is a bedside album for many musicians. Is it any surprise that it features Michel Alibo, Denis Hekimian, Jean-Claude Naimro, Sissy Dipoko, Florence Titty Dimbeng and Jimmy Mvondo?